mosi Inclusive Mooncake
- Category Packaging
- Design Comma Leung & Frank Lo
- Date Sept 2021
The Inclusive mooncake packaging design has cooperated with an Autistic artist—John Lee. John has been diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder and anxiety disorder at a young age.
The idea of the packaging design comes from a question we had asked John, ‘What do you think of autistic people?’ And his reply finally became the concept of our design. He said that ‘there might be little differences, but they are also eager to live together, just like the ordinary. No one wants to be alone.
Starting from this, we created a story using rabbits to represent people. the rightmost is a PoDs rabbit, and the one nearby turned its head and invited it to join them. This represents us, as a part of society, we should always embrace everyone’s differences when the PoDs are trying so hard to approach us.
- Category Packaging
- Design Comma Leung & Frank Lo
- Date Sept 2021